Hi there!
This section will list resources for bioinformatics that we thought might be useful!
If you have additional bioinformatics resources you would like us to share send us an email at students.msa@gmail.com.
1. Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
This is a GitHub for the Harvard course of Intro to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology! This resource was set up by: Xiaole Shirley Liu, Joshua Starmer, Martin Hemberg, Ting Wang, Feng Yue, Ming Tang, Yang Liu, Jack Kang, Scarlett Ge, Jiazhen Rong, Phillip Nicol and Maartin De Vries.
2. A ggplot2 Tutorial for Beautiful Plotting in R
This is a tutorial for the ggplot2 package on R. The tutorial was set up by Cédric Scherer, check the following Tweet for more info of the tutorial https://twitter.com/CedScherer/status/1335918784729800704?s=20.
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