How to prepare the academic job application for a tenure-track position in the sciences
The MSA Student Section organized this workshop for the MSA 2016 annual meeting in Berkeley, California.
The workshop was geared towards graduate students and postdocs who plan to pursue tenure-track positions in the sciences, participants to receive guidance on how to prepare the academic job application, what to expect in and how to prepare for the academic job interview, how to negotiate once a position is offered, and tips/advice for starting up a new lab.
The panel speakers included experts at various stages in their career ranging from new assistant professors to tenured professors from both small liberal arts colleges and research institutions.
List of panelists and links to PDF’s of presentations:
Workshop Introduction by Tanya Cheeke
• Jenny Talbot, Assistant Professor, Boston University – Landing a job at an academic research institution
• Allison Walker, Assistant Professor, Acadia University – Preparing research & teaching job application materials for a small institution
• Peter Kennedy, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota (formerly an Assistant Professor at Lewis and Clark) – Setting up a new lab
• Andrea Porras-Alfaro, Associate Professor, Western Illinois University – Types of interviews, what to expect and how to prepare
• Rytas Vilgalys, Professor, Duke University – Types of academic jobs and who should apply
• Sara Branco, Assistant Professor, Montana State University (beginning Fall 2017) – How to navigate offers and negotiations
• Meredith Blackwell, Professor, Louisiana State University – Perspectives on careers
The MSA Student Section Board thanks Tanya Cheeke (2015-2016 Executive Board Postdoctoral representative) for her dedication organizing this workshop!